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Prof. Dr. habil. Annegret Eppler

Jean Monnet Chair


Prof. Dr. habil. Annegret Eppler is a lawyer and a political scientist. She studied in Tübingen, Germany, and Leuven, Belgium.


From 2004 to 2007 she acted as the Scientific Coordinator of the European Centre for Research on Federalism Tübingen. Afterwards she worked as a research fellow in the section "Comparative Politics and European Integration" of the Institute for Political Science at the University of Tübingen, where she gained her PhD in 2010 with a thesis on the EU's influence on the federalism reform in Germany in various policy fields.


In 2017, she was appointed professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl, where she teaches European, constitutional and administrative law and coordinates the in-depth studies "Europe".



+49 7851/894-221


Prof. Dr. Mag. Rer. publ.  Michael Frey 

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Prof. Dr. Michael Frey conducts research on legal and administrative issues of climate change and energy transition and legal and administrative issues of cross border cooperation. Focused on applied research with immediately applicable results and trying to integrate practical experts on the field and students to research projects using the method of research-oriented learning. Also researching on possibilities of modern didactics of teaching in law, digital teaching and law teaching in a foreign language. He is the head of the Kehler Institut für Angewandte Forschung (KIAF), Co-Responsible for the “EU Vertiefungsbereich” (together with Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler) and the responsible professor for Incoming Erasmus Students.

Anna-Lena Beilschmidt-Pilz


Anna-Lena Beilschmidt-Pilz is Deputy Head of Communications and International Affairs at the City of Pforzheim, she focuses on European affairs, fundraising, the international city and citizen participation. Her tasks include dealing with EU legislation relevant to municipalities (monitoring and representation of interests) as well as the conception and implementation of EU projects and international meetings or events on current European topics.
Previously she co-coordinated the project for strategic urban development "Masterplan" for two years.

Additionally, she is member of the Europa Union Pforzheim-Enzkreis and since 2019 member of the board at state level. She excels at the link between the local and european governance level and conducted research on these topics, partly together with Dr. Eppler.

As part of the europe in-depth studies she offers lectures for the Kehl and international students.



CV Beilschmidt-Pilz

Dr. Hendrik Berghäuser

Dr. Hendrik Berghäuser is a project manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, in the Competence Center Policy and Society. His work focuses on studies and evaluations in the field of research, technology and innovation policy.
After studying political science at Freie Universität Berlin (diploma degree in 2012) and parallel studies in economics (Bachelor of Science, 2012), he received his PhD in 2019 as an external doctoral candidate at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer (Doctor of Political Science and Economics) as part of Fraunhofer ISI's PhD program. In his doctoral thesis, he investigated the status of the Third Mission at German universities. Study and research stays took him to the University of California in San Diego (USA) and to the University of Oslo (Norway). In Kehl he teaches on political and economic integration in Europe as part of the in depth studies.

Axel Bühler


Axel Bühler is an attorney and external lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl. He is teaching public procurement and EU competition law.

Mag. Dr. Doris Dialer


Mag. Dr. Doris Dialer holds a doctorate in political science and worked in the European Parliament in Brussels from 2006 to 2019 as a political officer in numerous policy areas and specialist committees.

In 2020, the proven EU expert moved to the cabinet of Rudolf Anschober, Austrian Federal Minister for Health, Social Affairs, Care and Consumer Protection. Her areas of responsibility include: EU agendas, global health policy (WHO, third countries) and fundamental social policy issues (e.g. population policy). Dr. Dialer is co-editor of the European Studies Series (Nomos) of the University of Innsbruck and founding member of ICER - Innsbruck Center for European Research.

Together with Dr. Eppler she hosts the field trips of the european in depth students at the Kehler university to Brussels and Strasbourg.

CV Dialer

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dieringer


Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Dieringer is a political scientist and adjunct professor at the Brussels School of Governance (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and honorary professor at Andrássy University Budapest. There he previously served as dean and senator.
He has previously researched and taught at Duke University, Durham (USA) and the Central European University in Budapest, among others.
His research focuses on European integration, Central and Eastern Europe, federalism and regionalization and political economy.
At the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl he teaches on regional and local authorities in the EU, one of his many courses at various universities.

CV Dieringer

Anne Hofmann

Anne Hofmann works as a training manager at the Euro-Institut, a French-German institution facilitating the cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine Region.

Besides developing and implementing trainings, mainly in the field of intercultural communication and project management, she also organises conferences, works on European projects and accompanies cross-border projects. She has previously coordinated the Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN).

In her course at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl, she combines theoretical teaching with the application of practical tools to best equip students with methods for the implementation of cross-border and European projects.


Click here to learn more.

Dr. Lioba Markl-Hummel

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Dr. Lioba Markl-Hummel is an industrial engineer, specialised in environmental topics, climate protection and mobility.

She is coordinating French-German projects since 2006.

Currently, she is responsible for the topics mobility, environment and spatial planning at the EGTC Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau and teaching cross-border cooperation to students of the Hochschule of Kehl.

Dr. Gertraud Kinne

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Dr. Gertraud Kinne holds a doctorate in psychology and is an intercultural expert with focus on training, coaching and education. Moreover, as a trained psychologist she offers solution-focused online-counselling services.

After finishing her studies, she used to work as psychologist in health care and vocational training. Fascinated by other cultures, she moved to Abu Dhabi and served as an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the United Arab Emirates University. Her experience abroad motivated her to specialize on intercultural issues and to support people in dealing with diversity.

In Kehl she teaches intercultural competence & communication, diversity management and soft skills such as stress management and counseling skills.


Click here to learn more.

Isabel Parthon

Isabel Parthon is a senior government official in the staff unit for cross-border cooperation and European affairs (SGZE) of the Freiburg Regional Council.
The SGZE includes the project sponsorship for the information and advisory center for cross-border issues, INFOBEST Kehl/Strasbourg, whose German management Parthon took over in June 2017.
Analyzing cross-border issues and problems and answering complex legal questions at the citizen/administration interface are among the main tasks of the fully qualified lawyer. She is an expert in various committees, such as the expert committee on cross-border commuters of the D-F-CH Upper Rhine Conference and representant of the Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine in the "Border Network".
In Kehl she teaches from a cross-border perspective, especially at the citizen/administration interface in the relationship between Germany and France.

Dr. Otmar Philipp


Dr. Otmar Philipp is a legal scholar and lecturer in constitutional and administrative law and worked in the General Secretariat of the European Parliament.
He contributes to the European Journal of Economic Law and is member of the editorial board. Since 1980, he has published articles on judgments of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in various media, since 2015 also regularly in the Börsenzeitung.
He is a member of the Association of European Journalists and the Europa-Union. He also works as a lecturer at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer and the University of applied Sciences in Kehl.

Anni Schlumberger


Anni Schlumberger, CEO of Human IT Services GmbH, is an expert in citizen participation and assists municipalities in the planning and execution of participation processes. This includes linking participation channels, conceptualizing and designing interactive websites, and organizing and moderating events with citizens.

In addition, she is an expert advisor to the Integrata Foundation.

Previously she worked as a lecturer at the political sciences institute of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen and for the German Institute for development policy in Bonn (DIE).

For the europe in-depth students she offers the future civil servants insights regarding citizen participation processes.

Alix Weigel


Alix Weigel is a graduate of the bachelor's degree program "Public Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl, where she focused her studies on the European Union and Cross-border cooperation. Since completing her bachelor studies, she has been working for Prof. Dr. Michael Frey, while at the same time pursuing her master studies at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. In the in-depth study course she is, responsible for the module cross-border project management together with Anne Hofmann.

Florian Ziegenbalg

Florian Ziegenbalg is working for the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. His unit is dealing with European Policies and in particular the Committee of the Regions.

Since 2021, he is teaching in Module 13 of the in-depth studies "Europe" at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl.

Current Staff

Julian Biehler

Julian Biehler is a graduate of the Bachelor´s program Public Management at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl where he attended the in-depth study “Europe”. Since March 2023, he started working for Pr. Dr. Annegret Eppler as a scientific assistant at the Jean Monnet Chair. He researches about the rule of law in the EU and Euroscepticism.

Maxi Schröder

Maxi Schröder is currently a student at Kehl University of Applied Sciences and has been working for Pr. Dr. Annegret Eppler since March as a research assistant at the Jean Monnet Chair as part of the proseminar "Europe - Living and Shaping". She also supports the Berlin excursion and helps with the planning as well as the realization.

Jan Molzberger


Jan Molzberger is working as scientific assistant and lecturer at the Jean Monnet Chair ELEMENT. He is an alumni of the M.A. programme „European Public Administration“ at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl. His research is focusing on public administrations in Europe as well as the rule of law and cross-border cooperation. 

Former Staff

Malin Winter

Malin Winter is a law student at Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg. She is currently studying one year abroad as an Erasmus student at the Valencian University in Spain. From 2018 until 2020 she worked as student assistant of Annegret Eppler at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl within the Jean Monnet Chair.



Federica Riccio

Federica Riccio is currently a student of the Master European Public administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl. 
In 2019, after an Erasmus at Cardiff University in the UK and various study and work experiences in Germany, she graduated in language mediation with a focus on business administration in Pisa, Italy.

Currently, her studies focus on European law and public administration. Since May 2021 she has been working for Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler.

Uwe Fromm


After graduating from Kehl University of Applied Sciences with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration, Uwe Fromm is now pursuing a Master's degree in Political Science with a major on the European Union at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Already during his Bachelor studies, he started working for Prof. Dr. habil. Annegret Eppler.

Melissa Mattern


Melissa Mattern is a graduate of the Master's program European Public Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl. Currently, she is working for the Economic Development Department of the Government of Upper Bavaria. Since 2018, she was a student assistant for Annegret Eppler at the Jean Monnet Chair. 

Meghan O'Hanlon


Megan O'Hanlon is a recent graduate of the B.A. Public Management at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl. Since March 2019, she was working as a student assistant for Pr. Dr. Annegret Eppler. Megan absolved an internship at the Government of Western Cape (South Africa). Back at university, she attended the in-depth study "Europe".

Dominik Ockenfuß


Dominik Ockenfuß is a recent graduate of the B.A. Public Management at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl. Since March 2019, he was working as a student assistant for Pr. Dr. Annegret Eppler. Dominik absolved an internship at the Government of Western Cape (South Africa). Back at university, he attended the in-depth study "Europe".

Felix Kolb

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Felix Kolb is a 2021 graduate of the B.A. Public Management programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl. Since October 2020, he was working as a student assistant for Pr. Dr. Annegret Eppler. Felix attended the in-depth study "Europe" and took part in the organisation of Europe-related events at the University.

Melda Küpeli


Melda Küpeli is a student in the Bachelor’s program of International Relations at ÇaÄŸ University. She was studying Public Management as an Erasmus exchange student at the University of Kehl. She is an active AIESEC member and worked as an AIESEC GV during July 2019. She is also the former administrative student of the Asia Pacific desk of South Security School (SSC) of ÇaÄŸ University. She still writes for SSC’s website which can be found under the following link:



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