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Study Trips


16th December 2020

Digital Study Trip to Strasbourg


On 16th December 2020, the in-depth study course Europe of the University of Applied Sciences Kehl set out for a digital study trip to Strasbourg.


The trip was kicked off by a lecture on the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, presented by Dr. Kiefer, Secretary General of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. This was followed up with a digital guide on the European Court of Human Rights by the visitor service.In the afternoon the group had the pleasure to meet a member of the European Parliament, Mrs. Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg (Greens/EFA). The trip was organised by Mrs. Mattern and Dr. Eppler. Mrs. Dialer joined as well to provide additonal insights into the work at the European Parliament.






9th - 13th November 2020

Digital Study Trip to Brussels


Unlike in previous years, the annual excursion of the EU in depth studies of the Hochschule Kehl  was carried out digitally this year due to the Covid-crisis. Although the group was not able to visit the institutions on site, the students gained a variety of insights and were able to speak with different experts of European institutions.Over the course of an entire week, lectures were offered by employees at the Brussels institutions and offices. During the week, these provided unique insights behind the scenes of the heart of Europe. This was possible despite travel restrictions imposed due to Corona via zoom calls prepared and debriefed by Dr. Eppler and Dialer.

The week started with a digital tour of Brussels' European district.
In the afternoon, they continued at the Permanent Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EU, which was available for a Q&A. Jonathan Koch, Employee at the Federal Foreign Office Germany, then presented on working with the EU and fielded questions from the students.

Tuesday was all about the Council of the European Union. Culinary highlight of the day was the Belgian Fries Contest.

Wednesday was dedicated to the German cities and countries. Zoom Talks with the European Office of Stuttgart Region and with the Head of Office of MEP Deparnay Grunenberg were part of the agenda. He provided valuable insights into the daily tasks of a member of the European Parliament.

Thursday's topic was Multi-Level-Governance. The students took a closer look at the European Commission and Regional Policy and Cohesion Policy. In the afternoon, the Head of the Visitors Service at the Committee of Regions held an insightful lecture on the "Voice of the Regions" in Brussels. This was followed up by the Representative for the European Region Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino. Mr. Wolf explained the various challenges and possibilities in an office representing the interest of the multinational Alpine Region.

To round things up, Dr. Eva Lichtenberger (ret. MEP) and Mag. Karin Lukas-Eder (Head of Brussels Office Bavarian Research Alliance) talked about women careers and networking in Brussels with inspiring perspectives on European governance.

Despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic, a diverse and international program was organized with the students, making them feel almost at home in Brussels.







28th - 29th November 2019

Study Trip to Strasbourg


Study Trip to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and Lieu d'Europe with the students of the in-depth studies "Europe" as well as ERASMUS+ exchange students.






9th - 13th November 2019

Study Trip to Brussels


In November 2019, the in-depth study course Europe of the University of Applied Sciences Kehl set out for a one-week study trip to Brussels within the heart of the European Union.


The group had the chance to visit numerous European Institutions such as the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission. Furthermore, they were able to get an insight into the work of several actors influencing the political processes on the European level. Among these players, the study course visited the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the State and Municipal Representation of Baden-Wuerttemberg as well as further representations and think-tanks






24th April 2019

Excursion to Strasbourg


Study Trip to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Parliament with Professors from partner universities in Ethiopia, Senegal and South Africa.






18th April 2019

Study Trip to Strasbourg


Study Trip to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in the framework of the lecture "Fundamentals of constitutional and administrative law" (Bachelor Public Management).







26th - 30th November 2018

Study Trip to Brussels


Study trip in the framework of the in-depth studies "Europe" at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl.





25th - 26th October 2018

Study Trip to Strasbourg


On 26th October 2018, Kehl students  specializing on European law and politics went to Strasbourg with Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler. They discovered the European institutions in Strasbourg and had lectures about the European Parliament, the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe.






3rd October 2018

Study Trip to Strasbourg


Study Trip to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in the framework of the lecture "Fundamentals of constitutional and administrative law" (Bachelor Public Management).




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Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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