26th February 2021:
Local Communities
Online Workshop of the
Jean Monet Chair EUKom
Takers and Shapers of the EU Decision Making Process
The event will be kicked off by a quick introduction by Prof. Dr. Joachim Beck, rector of the Kehl University.
Prof. Dr. Eppler will present her research on the EU Multi- Level System and the role of local communities
and the guidingquestions of the workshop.
The main guiding questions for the online Workshop include:
What position do municipalities have in the respective national system?
What role do municipalities play in the implementation of legislation initiated by the European level?
What changes result for municipalities from their integration into the EU system?
Do municipalities set up their own EU departments and, if so, where in the municipal administration?
Do municipalities become active in EU affairs on their own initiative?
Do municipalities raise EU funds and if so, in which areas?
Do municipalities maintain (joint) offices in Brussels in order to exert influence?
What possibilities do municipalities have nationally to influence the EU policy of the member state?
How do municipalities network with each other (across national borders)?
20th September 2019:
3rd Jean Monnet Seminar
Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit nach
dem Aachener Vertrag
Territoriale Entwicklungssteuerung im Kontext
rechtlich-institutioneller Flexibilisierung
Coopération transfrontalière après le Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle
Gestion du développement territorial dans un contexte
de flexibilisation institutionnelle et juridique
Centre d'excellence Jean Monnet Franco-Allemand, Hochschule Kehl
16th May 2019:
Yours is my Heart - Europe
​Theater play & panel discussion

Prof. Dr. Beck, rector of the university welcomed the numerous spectators, including many interested students and citizens of Kehl. Prof. Dr. Eppler introduced the event with thoughts on the upcoming election of the European Parliament and described its importance in the context of the development of the European Union. Then she welcomed the actors and left the stage to them
In the following play "Dein ist mein Herz - Europa" ("Yours is my heart - Europe") by the ensemble "Dein Theater" from Stuttgart, the tyrant king's daughter Europa, after whom the continent is named, takes the floor herself. The multilingual mother of three sons comments on current political debates with female intelligence, humor and foresight. Kalliope, the muse of science, philosophy and string playing, also gets her turn, presenting the musical diversity of a unique continent in a mashup of various languages.
The subsequent panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Eppler, between Prof. Dr. Larat from the École Nationale d'Administration Strasbourg, Dr. Zoller, Ministry of Justice and Europe Baden-Württemberg, Felix Kolb from the political department of the university and Uwe Fromm for the JEF Kehl was focused in particular on the following questions: Why is the 2019 European election of great importance to us? Why should we vote? The future of Europe and the growing importance of the Parliament were also topics of discussion.
Worshop Migration and Integration
jointly with the Academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
organized by Prof. Dr. Eppler, Prof. Dr. Frey, Prof. Dr. Pattar
25th October 2018
Jean Monnet Kick-Off
Inaugural Lecture and Panel Discussion
A lecture by Dr. Eppler followed by a discussion round heralded the award of the Jean Monnet Chair to her at the University of Public Administration in Kehl.
Prof. Dr. Witt, then rector of the university, acknowledged in his welcome to the audience the importance of the chair for the research location at the German-French border.
The following lecture by Dr. Eppler, who was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair in 2018, was also her inaugural lecture at Kehler University. Previously, Eppler conducted research in Insbruck, among other places, where she also completed her habilitation. In her lecture, she described the rule of law mechanisms of the EU and the development of an EU multi-level rule of law system.
She also spoke about the role of the municipal level in this system. She also critically examined the developments in individual member states that are scaling back their rule of law systems and the measures taken by the EU to protect the rule of law system.
This was followed by a panel discussion on the topic of future challenges facing the EU. Participating in this were:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer (University of Innsbruck), Prof. Dr. Oliver Schlumberger (University of Tübingen), Dr. Doris Dialer
(then Head of Office in the European Parliament ), the Vice President of the European Parliament, Rainer Wieland MEP, as well as Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler and Prof. Dr. Andreas Pattar (University of Kehl).
The audience - about 350 interested listeners from the Kehler students, civil society as well as EU experts from Kehl and Strasbourg listened intently and had the opportunity to ask questions afterwards. Thus, they were also able to participate in the discussion.
The discussions continued afterwards at a champagne reception in the foyer of the university.
KIEUS Working Papers on European Integration
Entwicklung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Rumänien in den Jahren 2017 - 2019
Die in den Jahren 2016 bis 2019 amtierende sozialliberale Regierung Rumäniens trieb trotz vielfacher Proteste von Opposition, Ausland und Zivilgesellschaft auf unterschiedliche Weise diverse Justizreformen voran, mit welchen sie ihre Kontrolle über Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaft erheblich ausbauen wollte. Durch Inkrafttreten der Gesetznovellen wäre die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Rumänien erheblich gefährdet gewesen, da die EU-Kommission zu dieser Zeit kein effektives Instrument besaß, um diese Tendenzen schnell und effektiv zurückzudrängen.
Despite many protests from the opposition, foreign countries and civil society, Romania's social-liberal government incumbent between 2016 and 2019 pursued various judicial reforms with the aim of significantly expanding its control over the courts and the public prosecution. If these amendments had come into force, the rule of law in Romania would have been seriously endangered, as the EU Commission did not have an effective instrument to push back these tendencies quickly and effectively.
L’articulation des compétences infra-étatiques en matière de coopération transfrontalière en Allemagne
Le cadre juridique de la coopération transfrontalière dans la région frontalière franco-allemande n’a pas subi de modifications majeures depuis l’introduction du GECT en 2006. En 2019, le Traité d’Aix-la-Chapelle, qui contient un chapitre spécifique sur la coopération transfrontalière, a fait naître l’espoir d’une nouvelle dynamique pour la coopération franco-allemande dans les régions frontalières.
Ce traité, qui est avant tout une déclaration d'intention politique, doit être mis en œuvre pour des changements concrets. Ce n'est pas encore le cas. La coopération continuera donc à se faire dans le cadre des compétences existantes. Dans le même temps, les changements résultant du traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle devraient se fonder sur le cadre juridique existant. L'article donne donc un aperçu de l’articulation des compétences infra-étatiques en matière de coopération transfrontalière en Allemagne. Il examine les conséquences de la répartition actuelle des compétences pour la coopération transfrontalière elle-même et la question de savoir où une nouvelle dynamique pourrait commencer.
Même si cet article porte essentiellement sur les compétences nationales allemandes, il commence par un bref regard sur le droit international, qui définit le cadre possible de la coopération transfrontalière. Ce cadre est rempli par les systèmes nationaux de compétences. L’article examine plus concrètement les dispositions de la Loi fondamentale en matière de coopération, ainsi que les dispositions au niveau des « Länder » et au niveau local. Les compétences infra-étatiques et communales sont présentés en prenant l’exemple du Land de Bade-Wurtemberg.
Baden-württembergische Städte und Gemeinden im europäischen Mehrebenensystem
Seminar works by Renate Stan, Michael Marquard, Jens Fischer, Lena Wiedensloh, Priska Leber, Oliver Denk &
Ronny Link. Foreword by Prof. Dr. habil Eppler.
Annegret Eppler: Thematische Verortung und Übersicht über die Seminarpapiere
Jens Fischer: Die Umsetzung der EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie
am Beispiel der Stadt Rastatt
Michael Marquard: Die europapolitischen Aktivitäten Sindelfingens mit dem Schwerpunkt auf die Einwerbung von Projektgeldern
Renate Stan: Europaarbeit baden-württembergischer Kommunen – Die Stadt Pforzheim als Bindeglied zwischen der EU und der Gesellschaft
Lena Wiedensloh: Deutsch-französische Städtepartnerschaften
am Oberrhein
Priska Leber: Der Ausschuss der Regionen
Oliver Denk: Die Vermittlerfunktion des Büros der
baden-württembergischen Kommunen in Brüssel
Ronny Link: Die Charta der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung
Umsetzung und Auswirkungen