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Jean Monnet Chair

at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl


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Welcome to the Jean Monnet Chair on European Integration Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl.

The Jean Monnet programme stimulates teaching, research and reflection on European integration at higher education institutions worldwide. With generous funding from the European Commission, we carry out and supervise EU-related research, teaching, and outreach.


The Jean Monnet Chair for EU integration studies at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl was first awarded in 2018 to Professor Dr. habil. Annegret Eppler for the project "Local Communities in the European Union" (LoComEU)". In 2022, she was again awarded a Jean Monnet Chair on "Public Administrations in the EU multi-level system (ELEMENT)".


Jean Monnet Chairs are awarded to qualified professors specializing in European integration studies. In addition to teaching on EU-related topics, a Jean Monnet Chair also includes research and public events on EU issues. The Chairs are given by the European Commission, Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA), after a competitive selection process.



Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Telephone: +49 7851 / 894 - 221

Fax: +49 7851 / 8945 - 221


Kinzigallee 1

D 77694 Kehl

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